Larry Lewis
Larry Lewis is cofounder and president of PROJECTXYZ, Inc. Mr. Lewis has over 20 years of experience in government contracting, business, and technical leadership roles. As president, he leads corporate development activities, business development, strategic planning and partnerships, new venture development, acquisitions, and financial management. Prior to joining PROJECTXYZ, Mr. Lewis served in management, technical, and leadership roles with several Huntsville-based 8(a) companies and as vice president of corporate development and Information Technology for Madison Research Corporation where he managed multiple programs and projects to include the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Simulation Center at Redstone Arsenal and the Battle Command Battle Lab in Ft. Gordon, GA. Mr. Lewis has a Bachelor of Science degree in Technical Industrial Management and an MBA in Finance and Strategic Planning from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Additionally, he holds a certificate in Modeling and Simulation from the University of Alabama Huntsville.